An R&D facility dedicated to innovating and developing preventive health solutions for aquaculture

The Animal Health site is dedicated to innovating and developing preventive healthcare solutions for Aquaculture with special focus on infectious diseases in warm water fish.

Our team of specialists at the site are focused on researching novel solutions to fish farmers in the form of vaccines, which can prevent both bacterial and viral diseases. Most of the fish diseases hamper the productivity of fish farming, decreasing its sustainability and causing significant financial impact for the farmers. Hence, vaccines developed at MSD are helping farmers across the world bring animal-derived products to the table in a safer, more efficient, and more sustainable manner.

Our customers have always known that they can depend on MSD Animal Health for more than just medicines. They count on us for technical information, technologies and veterinary services that truly advance animal healthcare. It is our heritage and our mission.

With major focus on a “One Health” concept, MSD Animal Health facilitates human health care by ensuring food safety.

MSD Animal Health offer a broad choice of vaccines, anti-infective and anti-parasitic drugs, and a complete range of fertility management products, pharmaceutical specialty products, innovative delivery solutions, performance technologies and value-added programs, such as pet recovery services and livestock data management tools.

To learn more about our Animal Health business, please visit MSD Animal Health.

To learn more about our Aquaculture vaccines, please visit Aquavac – Vaccines.